The top 10 Hindi dailies have cumulatively grown by 0.41 per cent from 7,06,39,000 readers in IRS Q2 to 7,09,29,000 in Q3. The top 10 English dailies also registered growth of 0.45 per cent, from 1,97,52,000 to 1,98,41,000. However, there was a dip of 0.51 per cent in the cumulative readership of top 10 regional language dailies from 6,28,72,000 in Q2 to 6,25,49,000.
Top 10 Dailies
Dainik Jagran, Dainik Bhaskar and Hindustan are the top thee dailies with each registering a growth of 0.3 per cent. Dainik Jagran tops the list with an AIR of 1,64,74,000 in Q3. Dainik Bhaskar is placed second with 14,491,000, while Hindustan, placed at number three, has registered an AIR of 12,242,000 in Q3. Lokmat, with a readership of 74,09,000 has seen a drop in readership by 1.3 per cent. As a result, Daily Thanthi, which was at number eight slot in Q2, has moved to the number seven slot with an AIR of 74,17,000, despite the publication’s decline in readership by 0.2 per cent. Other dailies in the top 10 that witnessed a decline include Amar Ujala (0.8 per cent) and Mathrubhumi (1.2 per cent).
Top 10 English Dailies
Top three dailies – The Times of India, Hindustan Times and The Hindu have seen growth in the quarter. The Hindu (placed at number three), has registered the maximum growth (50,000 reader), from 2,208,000 in Q2 to 2,258,000 in Q3. The Times of India, which continues to lead the list of top 10 English dailies, has shown a growth of 10,000 readers, while Hindustan Times, placed second, has grown by 0.5 per cent, from 3,767,000 in Q2 to 3,786,000 in Q3.
Top 10 Hindi Dailies
Seven out of the top 10 Hindi dailies have shown growth this quarter. Dainik Jagran continues to lead the list of Hindi newspapers with an AIR of 16,474,000, securing a growth of 45,000 readers in Q3. Prabhat Khabar, placed at number seven, has grown by 5.3 per cent, with an AIR of 2,761,000 in Q3. Publications that saw a decline include Amar Ujala by 0.8 per cent; Patrika and Nai Dunia by 1 per cent each.
Top 10 Language Dailies
Malayala Manorama continues to lead among language dailies with an AIR of 9,752,000 in Q3. The publication has grown by 42,000 readers in Q3, from 97,10,000 in Q2. Placed at number two, Daily Thanthi, has witnessed a decline of 14,000 readers from 74,31,000 readers in Q2 Lokmat, which is placed at number three slot has also declined from 75,07,000 in Q2 to 74,09,000 in Q3.
Top 10 Magazines
Seven out of top 10 magazines have shown a decline in Q3 of IRS 2012.
Saras Salil has registered the largest drop in readership, moving from an AIR of 15,48,000 in Q2 2012 to 13,51,000 in the current round of IRS. Cricket Samrat declined by 8 per cent to close at an AIR of 10,44,000. Malayala Manorama, which had an AIR of 11,13,000 in Q2, declined to a readership of 10,53,000. General Knowledge Today (English) dropped 3.7 per cent to close with an AIR of 10,47,000 in Q3.
Malayalam fortnightly Vanitha registered a drop in readership by 3.5 per cent, from 23,53,000 in Q2 to 22,71,000 in Q3. Pratiyogita Darpan’s readership declined by 1.3 per cent, from an AIR of 19,18,000 in Q2 to 18,94,000 in Q3. India Today, one of the two English magazines in the list of top 10 magazines, has seen a decline of 28,000 readers during the quarter, registering an AIR of 15,26,000 in Q3.
Samanya Gyan Darpan has grown by 4.1 per cent, from an AIR of 16,64,000 in Q2 to 17,33,000 in Q3. Hindi title Meri Saheli grew 1.1 per cent to reach an AIR of 12,05,000, while Karma Kshetra grew 1.3 per cent to close at an AIR of 11,83,000 in IRS Q3 2012.