Marie Claire has launched a new tag-line, “Think smart, look amazing”, moving away from the previous positioning of “Let me be me.”
“Marie Claire wanted to standardize the tag-line for its 35 editions across the world to denote the core value of the magazine,” said Suresh Selvaraj, president, Marie Claire. “Prior to this, each edition followed its own tag-line. For example, in India, we have had the tag-line as “Let me be me” to highlight our campaign against moral policing.”
Editorially, however, there will be no change in the content and the magazine will continue to combine thought-provoking features with fashion and beauty. Nina Haridas is the newly appointed editor of Marie Claire, who recently took over the post left vacant by Shefali Vasudeva.
The April issue of the magazine has Bipasha Basu on the cover who, according to Selvaraj, epitomises Marie Claire’s new tag-line.