, has launched its Hindi edition, titled, which aims to gives access to the right kind of tools, information and expert advice to investors - all in Hindi.
Through, users will be able to get access to real time updates on stock prices and various indices, up to-date information and latest news about all listed companies, management interviews, corporate results and analysis, a wealth of information, tools and knowledge about personal finance and much more.
Commenting on the launch, Joyson Thomas, COO, Web18 said, "For the past 10 years (English) has been providing investors with tools, information and expert advice to help make the right choices while navigating through thousands of investment options. We believe there are millions people, with an interest in stocks and other asset classes, who could benefit from the comfort of accessing crucial financial information in Hindi, which is why we have now launched in Hindi. As always, our users can look forward to much more from us in the days ahead."