Abu Dhabi based investment company, Mubadala has invested Rs 9,093 crore in Reliance Industries' Jio. The investment is made in exchange for 1.85 per cent stake in the company.
This is the sixth investment in Jio since April 2020. A total of Rs 87,655.35 crore has been injected into the company by Facebook, Silver Lake, Vista, General Atlantic and KKR in return of a combined 18.97 per cent stake to these investors.
Mukesh Ambani, chairman and managing director, Reliance Industries (RIL), said, “Through my longstanding ties with Abu Dhabi, I have personally seen the impact of Mubadala’s work in diversifying and globally connecting the UAE’s knowledge-based economy. We look forward to benefitting from Mubadala’s experience and insights from supporting growth journeys across the world.”