There is a reason why LSD sounds like a drug. Because it is one. And after the week that I’ve just had, I need my dose of LSD this Saturday (the movie, stupid!). You might say what’s new there. Ain’t every week in advertising the same? Buy hey, this one was particularly tough. So I guess I deserve to have a good time with some good friends watching a good movie which I hope LSD would be.
Saturday would also be the day when I plan to complete the book I’m reading currently-Fareed Zakaria’s The Post American World, which, by the way, is an excellent read, especially if you like Zakaria’s conversational and insightful style of writing.
Apart from waking up late, Sunday would also have brunch at Sancho’s to look forward to. Sunday afternoon would be for the small matter of watching Manchester United rip Liverpool apart! The biggest game in the league and I’ll be watching it in Pebble Street down at New Friends Colony. Scousers not welcome.
When you jot down what you’ve been planning to do over the weekend, it always seems that I’m packing too many things into the days I’m supposed to relax. Even God took a day off after creating the world. But I guess that’s because he was a better planner!
PS: Apparently my friends in Bombay are meeting up for one heck of an evening this weekend. Without me. Sigh.