Weekend is here, baby! Yes, I am writing this on a Friday and my weekend has already begun. Fridays in Games2win are usually spent with me avoiding work with a vengeance while I laugh my ass off on sickipedia.org (not for the uptight ones and the ones who are against racism and child abuse), cracked.com, moronail.net and collegehumor.com.
Saturday will be spent with me playing guinea pig to a student at Jean Claude Biguine getting a free haircut and color (blue), which hopefully won’t end up with me going into hiding for the next six months. And if things go as planned, we are looking at a PS2 party at a colleague’s where people are gonna get drunk and guys are gonna lose to girls at Tekken, who will be holding their controllers upside down.
Oh and I will NOT be going Kala Ghoda Arts Festival on Sunday as planned because I would be too busy bitching about the oncoming Monday morning all day long and taking breaks from that bitching to read A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon which incidentally reminds me of Death At A Funeral for some reason (British humour, you see).
(Tamanna is creative writer, Games2win)