Campaign India's editorial team has picked their favourite campaigns from those published on the website during the week.
This week, the team found two pieces of work that stood out.
As always, we're going alphabetically:
Star Sports (conceptualised in-house)
It beautifully showcases a female protagonist asking the shopkeeper for a Sharma jersey. The shopkeepers give her a Rohit Sharma jersey, while she wanted Deepti Sharma's. This scene highlights how we’re still in a male-dominant society even with regard to sports. Then, when the men make fun of her for not knowing Indian cricket enough, she confidently takes them on and let’s them know how naive they are.
Stoa (conceptualised by Vishal Dayama)
A dramatic take on the obsession the Indian society has over college degrees. The film uses reverse psychology creatively to drive its point home instead of just highlighting its courses offerings.