Before Instagram people used to have Baigan ka Bharta and now they have Steamy Aubergine in hot pepper sauce with green peas.
— Trendulkar (@Trendulkar) May 9, 2014
Sometimes I wonder how work happens. One day I hope to know.
— SM (@sushil) May 9, 2014
A married man's honest confession !! I always read my wife's horoscope to see what kind of day I am going to have.... #life #facts
— Balasubramaniam GD (@GDBALA) May 9, 2014
Omnicis? Publiom? Omnipub? Good thing they called it off. "@htTweets: Omnicom, Publicis call off $35bn merger http://t.co/RjOO3h0wNb
— Prasanna Sankhé (@omni_nomad) May 9, 2014
Publics & Omnicom call off merger! So WPP back on the top spot. Sir Martin must be chuckling! http://t.co/l4ZPr1IPHP
— Lloyd Mathias (@LloydMathias) May 9, 2014
The Starc- Pollard fight degraded the sport and flouted all norms of decency in the gentleman's game. I've not had so much fun in years.
— Ajay Gahlaut (@meajay) May 9, 2014
T 1475 - The IPL is truly riveting these days .. specially when you watch a Glen Maxwell simply destroy the opponents .. incredible feat !!
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) May 7, 2014