Sorry pic.twitter.com/6iCcU9ez48
— Meninist (@TheMeninist) August 21, 2015
Dubai Cricket Stadium has so far hosted 17 ODIs, and now 1 MODI.
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) August 17, 2015
Hmmm. Indian women are ranked the third highest female consumers of porn globally, after Philippines and Brazil. http://t.co/qGhzRMcIze
— Venkat Ananth (@venkatananth) August 19, 2015
I was only urinating, says Mumbai youth accused of flashing foreigner. The "only" says it all. http://t.co/uRoSA2NUdc pic.twitter.com/aJn5a1BBbD
— Deepak Mohoni (@deepakmohoni) August 21, 2015
Man walks up to JJ Vallaya and asks for autograph. JJ obliges. Man says 'Thanks Daler Ji.' #truestory
— Ajay Gahlaut (@meajay) August 16, 2015
#iaasummit 3-5SeptKochi ShahrukhKhan joins the inaugural on 3rd.Superstar at Supersummit @skswamy @guhapradeep @goks140 @rajcheerfull
— Ramesh Narayan (@rameshnarayan) August 20, 2015
Couldn't agree more - I sometimes wonder how come people don't realise you don't choose which religion U are born in https://t.co/c0b8hN9R6U
— Raj Nayak (@rajcheerfull) August 20, 2015