Enough has been said about 2020. Campaign India is closing out the year by asking industry leaders about what has this different year taught them and what do they want from the year that comes up.
Here's what Sheetal Pritmani Mukherjee, CEO, Grip Digi, had to say:
One learning from the magical year 2020?
There lies opportunities in the value chain at the most crucial junctures. It's only at the edge where the biggest changes can be made.
One thing you want from the year 2021?
The ability to adapt to changes especially with the amalgamation of digital technology in the realms of communication. Across vast areas, the application of technology needs to be stitched into the fabric of organisations to drive change.
Nothing summarises this more than what John Cleese said in the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still (quite an irony that the whole earth did stand still) - "it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve."
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