Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance (ABSLI), from the house of Aditya Birla Capital, has rolled out a campaign titled ‘IsseZarooriKuchBhiNahi’ (there’s nothing more important than this) to showcase its recently launched product, the ABSLI Nishchit Aayush Plan. Conceptualised by Dentsu Creative India, the films take the humour route to highlight the product’s features.
The films begin with scenarios wherein the protagonists find themselves stuck in unfavourable circumstances like being kidnapped or stuck in an elevator. When they start to panic, ABSLI’s advisors find their way to rescue them. As the protagonists meet the advisors, they ask them if they are there to save them. The advisors then tell them that they’re here to save them as well as inform them about the Nishchit Aayush Plan and its benefits.
Kamlesh Rao, MD and CEO, Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance, said, “At ABSLI, our focus is to help our customers with cutting-edge life insurance solutions that provide guaranteed income that too, immediately. It is an excellent investment opportunity that offers an optimal blend of protection and growth, providing peace of mind for you and your family.
Darshana Shah, head of marketing and customer experience, Aditya Birla Capital, said, "Our approach to ABSLI's new campaign #IsseZarooriKuchBhiNahi is based on the simple philosophy of capturing people's attention by describing the product's USP (guaranteed income from the 1st policy anniversary (month/year) in an engaging manner. Our new product, Nishchit Aayush Plan will empower the policyholders to leverage guaranteed savings products by decreasing the propensity for risk in their portfolio.”