Campaign India Team
Oct 25, 2023

AGEasy lets love for life never grow old

Watch the film conceptualised by Havas Worldwide India here

AGEasy by Antara has rolled out a campaign 'let your love for life never age', to spotlight the enduring love and vitality shared by senior couples and demonstrates how the brand's solutions play a role in preserving that youthful spirit.
Conceptualised by Havas Worldwide India, the film highlights the story of an elderly couple, as their daughter surprises her father with an AGEasy package. As the film unfolds, it reveals the senior father's previous lack of physical activity and how the brand's products revitalised his vigour, rekindling his active lifestyle. The film concludes with the wife, who had been frustrated with her husband's inactivity and lack of help with household chores, experiencing joy as he presents her with anniversary flowers, along with a heartfelt memory of their special day.
Rohit Khatua, chief marketing officer, Antara Senior Care, said, “Reflecting the changing demographics, India will have 300 million seniors by 2050 as compared to 120 million today and the industry needs to take strides in addressing the growing demand for senior care. As industry leaders, we are committed to continuing to innovate and provide more products and solutions that empower our seniors to age with ease and joy. From independent-living senior residences to assisted care services, Antara's mission is to positively impact the lives of seniors and their families. With our new offering, AGEasy, we have taken one more  step ahead in creating an integrated age-well ecosystem for seniors.”
Shahid Shams, head of growth marketing, Antara Assisted Care Services, said, “AGEasy by Antara is a unique 'phygital’ platform that offers personalised solutions for managing chronic conditions through expert-assisted journeys. Our brand film beautifully embodies this promise, and it serves to emotionally connect with every senior by depicting a common experience. This film will help us spread awareness about AGEasy by Antara, and enable us to reach a wide audience, so they may access our services  manage their chronic conditions better.”
Anupama Ramaswamy, chief creative officer, Havas Worldwide India, said, "Age should never come in between us and living life to the fullest. That’s the message this touching story wants to tell the world. The challenge was to make Antara more than just a brand that aids elderly people in their daily activities. We wanted Antara to be seen as a friend, who understands their passions and desires. A friend who makes them feel like age is just a number. A friend who encourages them to explore their childlike innocence and feel alive at every moment. And do all the above without fear and apprehension. So that their love for life never ages."
Chief creative officer: Anupama Ramaswamy
Chief executive Officer: Tarun Jha 
Chief strategy officer: Anirban Mozumdar 
Managing partner: Jaibeer Ahmed 
AVP: Arjan Soni
CSD: Farhat Naim 
Account Executive: Saumya Singh 
Account and VP planning: Anuraag Srivastava 
Planning Supervisor: Ayush Shukla
Campaign India

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