Aircel has rolled out two new films to introduce its 'unlimited internet' offering at Rs 9 per day. Set to catchy tunes, the films have been conceptualised by DDB Mudra Group.
One opens at an eatery. The shop owner's son is enjoying a game of cricket on his father's phone as the latter carries on with his chores around the shop. Instead of stopping him when he crosses the 'limit', the father gives him a tap of encouragement, along with some goodies to eat. Elsewhere, an overweight man is exercising on a terrace, pushing himself beyond his limit, as he watches a fitness video on his mobile phone. The voice over says that India will be online 'more than limit', because Aircel is offering unlimited internet access at Rs 9 per day.
The second film opens in a bus. A man with his earphones on is watching a music video and singing aloud to the lyrics on screen, annoying co-passengers. One of them brings this to an end with a whack to his head. The next scene shows a group of four young men enjoying a rerun of a cricket match on their phone. As their team wins, they celebrate ecstatically, beyond 'limit'. The film ends with the same voice over as the other.
Anupam Vasudev, chief marketing officer, Aircel, said, “With an intent to augment mobile internet adoption in the country and encourage people to experience the benefits of it, we have launched a new and attractive mass campaign “Limit Se Zyada”. The campaign cements our distinct position with a vision of making mobile internet accessible and affordable for the masses. it also portrays an India that is defying limits, thanks to unlimited internet, through the creative articulation ‘Limit Se Zyada’.”
Sambit Mohanty, creative head – North, DDB Mudra, said, “We’re spending less time in the real world and more time in the online world – thanks to the Internet with its limitless avenues of entertainment. So, when Aircel came up with this great product offering, ‘Unlimited Internet for Rs.9’, it was only natural for us to conceive this campaign thought of ‘Ab India Limit se Zyada Hoga Online’. We’ve done this by depicting people going overboard while on the Internet – be it in shopping, gaming, exercising or even watching a video. All in all, a fun, memorable way of showing how India is online…limit se zyada.”
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