Simon Gwynn
Sep 12, 2019

Barclaycard's interlinking ads get everything spot on

It's a rare achievement for an ad to create fictional characters you'd actually really love to be friends with.

I can’t get enough of the couple in this pair of ads from Barclaycard who suffer through each other’s beloved passions, each an acquired taste: dance music in his case, pro wrestling in hers.

With each ad referencing the other, it’s a nice format, and each uses its 60 seconds with great precision to tell a thoroughly engaging story about who these characters are. What is most gratifying is that they don’t fit any template – they’re true originals with the kind of quirks we constantly encounter in real life but rarely make it convincingly into TV drama, let alone ads. 

Brand Barclaycard
Title "Festival" and "Wrestling"
Agency Droga5 London
Creatives Nick Lindo and Seb Thomas
Production company Blink
Director Nick Ball

Campaign India

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