Nike, the official apparel sponsor of the Indian Football team, as a special gesture to Bhaichung Bhutia’s contribution to Indian Football has designed a commemorative badge on the Indian football jersey and released a special video on its Football Facebook page. The video takes us through the journey of Bhutia’s journey as a footballer in a “cricket obsessed country” featuring his achievements in the reverse chronological order starting from his launch of United Sikkim FC in 2010 to his sporting achievements over the years.
The Indian National Football team will be seen sporting this special jersey for Bhutia’s farewell match against Bayern Munich on 10 January at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi. The tribute badge will be on an orange base with white lettering with his name and number along with “The start of a legacy” as Bhutia embarks upon a next phase.
Further, football fans can post their messages for Bhutia’s on Nike’s football page. Eleven fans with the best messages will be rewarded with a special edition commemorative Bhaichung Bhutia autographed Nike jersey.
Client: Nike
Creative agency: JWT Bangalore