Star Sports has launched a film #YeAbNormalHai (this is normal now) to celebrate the return of the Tata 1PL 2022. Conceptualised by Tilt Brand Solutions, the campaign features cricketer MS Dhoni who reasons why the craziness coming from the IPL season is totally normal for its fans.
The film shows Dhoni as a bus driver, who stops the bus in the middle of a busy road. When the passengers look at him in surprise, he tells them to look outside and watch the match that’s been playing on TV screens across the street. As people start to complain about the traffic jam created due to this, the traffic policeman arrives and questions Dhoni. Dhoni responds by casually telling the police that they stalled themselves to watch the super over of an IPL game. The police takes this lightly and greets Dhoni, before he leaves. during IPL and drives away reinstating the fact that this fandom is normal for IPL matches.
Sanjog Gupta, head – sports, Disney Star, said, "The TATA IPL 2022 campaign seeks to recruit millions of TV viewers and digital users across the country. Structured in four phases, the campaign turns the spotlight on fan frenzy and unique situations typically associated with the tournament as well as the distinct proposition of this year's edition. #YeAbNormalHai adequately represents this, tying it with the social context of people discovering a "new normal" in their lives. The launch phase of the campaign strives to create a sense of excitement for the start of the 15th season, which promises to be the biggest ever."
The film will be released in seven languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali and Gujarati.