Campaign India Team
Jul 24, 2015

Indian Express underlines relevance, appeals to #IndianIntelligent

Watch the campaign conceptualised by CreativeLand Asia here

The Indian Express has launched a brand campaign doing the rounds of social media, conceptualised by Creativeland Asia.
Part of the campaign is a film, which plays on the theme 'The Newspaper is dead', to emphasise that the brand is more than a 'newspaper'.
The copy, accompanied by visuals of historic moments representative of the words, reads:  

"First things first, the newspaper is dead.

It was dead before a grainy video struck terror in half the world.
Long before 140 characters sparked revolutions in the other half.
It started dying when families sat up all night, watching deserts being set on fire.
Once the newspaper became cold leftovers served with breakfast the next morning, the writing was on the wall.
Thankfully for us, The Indian Express was never just a newspaper..."
This lays the foundation for the brand to make its proposition felt. 
View the rest of the video for the answers.The brand builds itself into one which is speaking to and for the #IndianIntelligent, backed by its heritage #JournalismofCourage,
Client: The Indian Express
Creative agency: CreativeLand Asia
Campaign India

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