24 hours with… Jugul Thachery

The founder and CEO of HOGR takes Campaign India through an average day in his life.

Jugul Thachery, founder and CEO, HOGR.
Jugul Thachery, founder and CEO, HOGR.

Name: Jugul Thachery

Job: Founder and CEO, HOGR

Professional mantra: ‘Empowering innovation through leadership’— Leading with purpose, I inspire innovation, mentor growth, and empower my team to break boundaries and succeed together.

Personal mantra: ‘Finding joy in daily balance’—I balance the present and future, staying grounded while finding happiness in each day’s journey.

6:30 AM7:30 AM: I start my day with the favourite part of my morning—spending time with my kids. I drop them off at school, and our conversations span everything, except academics. From their passions to the latest happenings in the world, it’s a time for us to connect, share laughs, and start the day on a positive note.

7:30 AM9:00 AM: My 'me time' is essential. Some days I immerse myself in yoga, while other days I hit the gym or take a brisk walk. During these moments, my mind stays active, often mapping out plans for the day ahead.

9:00 AM9:45 AM: I use this time to get ready for the day. A quick scan of my schedule helps me align my priorities before I head into the workday.

10:00 AM2:00 PM: My workday kicks into high gear with mornings focused on the creative aspects of my role. We begin with daily stand-ups to stay aligned, followed by brainstorming sessions, idea refinement, and close collaboration with the product team.

2:00 PM4:00 PM: Afternoons shift into execution mode. This is when the firefighting usually begins—resolving pressing issues, addressing team queries, and handling operational challenges, if any. I use this time for important meetings with the stakeholders to discuss growth and strategy. Being a serial entrepreneur, adaptability and quick decision-making are skills I rely on heavily during these hours.

4:00 PM06:45 PM: I reserve the later part of my workday for deeper discussions and long-term planning. We brainstorm on HOGR’s future roadmap, keeping consumer experience and business growth at the center. Subsequently, I wrap up by ensuring that any critical tasks are addressed and teams have clear directions for the next steps.

7:00 PM7:30 PM: Family dinners are sacred to me. It is a time to reconnect, unwind, and share stories from our day. These moments keep me grounded and remind me of the importance of work-life balance.

8:00 PM9:00 PM: I dedicate this hour to planning for the next day. It’s my time to reflect on what went well, what needs improvement, and how to prioritise upcoming tasks. Whether reviewing key goals or refining strategies, this is when I ensure the next day is set up for maximum productivity.

9:00 PM10:00 PM: This is my second ‘me time’ of the day. I make it a point to unwind and focus on personal growth either through reading, watching a TV show, or learning something new. It helps me with a way to relax while still feeding my curiosity.

11:00 PM: I aim to be in bed by 11:00 pm, ensuring a good night’s rest. Given sleep is crucial to stay sharp, a sound one prepares me for the challenges and opportunities that tomorrow has in store.

Campaign India

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