Campaign India Team
Jan 30, 2024

24 hours with… Kush Aggarwal

Kush Aggarwal, head of marketing, Bikano, takes us through what a day in his life looks like

24 hours with… Kush Aggarwal

Ever wondered what an ideal day in the life of someone from advertising/marketing/media is? We're here to spill the beans on it.


Every Tuesday, we'll have a person from the advertising/marketing/media industry profiled in this section.


Name: Kush Aggarwal

Job: Head of marketing, Bikano

Professional mantra: Crafting success in every sip and bite

Personal mantra: Journey rooted in the pillars of family, friends, and health


5:30am: The alarm wakes me up, but no snoozing for me. I leap out of bed with a surge of energy. I'm all set to seize the day with enthusiasm and vigour!


6am: The morning starts with the rich smell of strong coffee. Each sip feels like a burst of energy, getting me ready for the day. Along with coffee, I'm hooked on a book called Atomic Habits, which gives cool ideas on making positive changes. It guides me for a purposeful and growing day.


7-8:15am: It's gym time! Sweating it out and feeling good – a powerful start to the morning!


8:15- 8:30am: Taking a short break, I sit quietly to meditate. It's like finding a peaceful spot in a busy day, helping me feel calm before I jump back into things.


9:30am: Now it's time for work! I'm the head of marketing at Bikano, so I get to do cool things with creative ideas. It's not just a job; it's about transforming fun thoughts into awesome campaigns, developing strategies, managing product portfolios, and navigating the essential elements of marketing – product, price, place, and promotion. With excitement, I'm ready for whatever comes my way at the office.


9:45am: Inbox, goals, and calendar check – a quick overview to set the stage for a productive day. Let the marketing magic begin!


1:30-2pm: Lunchtime is like a little fiesta! Whether I eat quickly or take my time, it's a mini-celebration to recharge for the afternoon challenges.


4pm: Another coffee break to keep the momentum going. Because why let the afternoon slump get to you?


7pm: The workday ends, and I pack up. Time to shift from work to family time.


7pm-7:15pm: Another meditation pause before fully entering the evening. It's like hitting the reset button for my mind.


7:15-8pm: Dinner with my parents is more than just eating. It's a time for stories, laughter, and the comfort of family.


8-9:30pm: After dinner, I spend time with friends or family. We chat, laugh, and connect, reminding me of the value of meaningful relationships.


10pm: It's time to relax and unwind. My bedtime routine begins, preparing for a good night's sleep and gearing up for the next day.


Campaign India

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