The jury president for the 2009 Cannes Lions' Direct and Promo category have been announced. David Sable, vice chairman and COO, Wunderman will lead the 2009 Cannes Direct Lions Jury, while William Rosen, chief creative officer - North America, Arc Worldwide will head this year's Promo Lions jury.
Sable's career highlights include co-founding the award-winning Israeli agency Mimsar-Ariely; heading the US Postal Service account at Y&R which led to a new messaging platform and logo still in use today and debuting his first integrated global product launch for Colgate Tartar Control toothpaste in 29 countries.
"I like to quote David Ogilvy who used to say if it doesn't sell, it isn't creative. There isn't a better credo for a world economy in the doldrums or a world where clients are cutting budgets to save money instead of investing in creativity to build business. What better time to honour the creative output of Direct, the once-maligned corner of the industry that celebrates its measurability, its ROI, and its ability to sell," said Sable on his appointment as Direct Lions Jury President .
"It is a great honour to lead this prestigious jury in its timely charge of recognising the work that most creatively connects with and involves people," commented William Rosen on his role as Promo Lions Jury President.
Terry Savage, Festival Chairman, says, "For 2009 Cannes Lions has improved the criteria to better reflect the disciplines and show more rigour. The appointment of David Sable and Bill Rosen will ensure we have world leaders in their field to drive and guide the jury through this process. We could not be in better hands."
(pictured, left to right: David Sable, William Rosen)