Capgemini is looking at reinforcing its global branding campaign, first launched in 2007, with the adoption of a multi-cultural focus. The "Together. Free our energies" slogan will now be associated with three different representations of the same scenario each drawn by three cartoonists representing European, North American and Indian audiences. As of October, the new global campaign will be launched in France, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, the United States, Canada and India through outdoor, press and online advertising campaigns.
Capgemini has chosen to take the illustration route in its advertising communication to create a differentiated imagery for itself within the IT and Consulting sector. The visuals associated with the global slogan, will differ according to geographic regions. In Europe, which is a significant market for the group, Capgemini will continue to use the illustrations of cartoonist Ted Benoît. In North America, it is adopting a modern style of "comics" by collaborating with Neal Adams, who is said to have produced the very first Superman cartoons. In India, the company has used a "Bollywood" angle, and has worked with illustrator Sahebrao Hare.
"The global brand campaign that was launched in India last year, with the tag line, "Together. Free your energies", was a huge success, and we could clearly demonstrate the value we bring in as an industry leader to our clients. This year, the campaign will continue to focus on Capgemini's desire to work with our clients, to help them transform, improve their performance, and 'Free their Energies'. Our strength comes from our multicultural ethos, wherein people from different nationalities synergize their strengths to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. I am quite excited by this campaign launching again in India, and look forward to its positive impact, on our clients, on our people, and the business itself." said Salil Parekh, CEO, Capgemini India.