Google has announced that it will shut down YouTube. The company has announced that the website was launched to run an eight-year video contest, with a goal to find the best video created. Winners will be picked and the site will be relaunched in 2023, with the winning video, it said.
To make up for the shutting down of YouTube, Google has announced the launch of a few new initiatives.
It has created a new treasure map mode on Google Maps. This will help users find hidden treasure chests around the world. Watch the video here.
Google has also launched Gmail Blue. Check it out here:
Google also added Google Nose to its search. Now, smell your results. Visit to use this.
Once you're done with looking at these ‘new initiatives’ from the search behemoth, we'd like to join Google in wishing you a Happy April Fools' day!
Have a great working week ahead.