Maruti Suzuki has appointed actor R. Madhavan as the brand face for its hatchback WagonR. The company claims that before the actor was signed on, after Maruti Suzuki’s consumer research on Madhavan revealed that he was a national celebrity with a skew towards the Southern parts of the country.
Madhavan was considered a right fit after analyzing his future ventures/prospects and the brand objectives of WagonR.
Says Shashank Srivastava, chief general manager, Maruti Suzuki, "Our research established that a famous face works well for a brand if both are just the right fit for each other. We feel that associating with a personality such as Madhavan will certainly reinforce the brand values of WagonR with the TG at an all-India level. Additionally, the tie-up is going to give a boost to WagonR’s KPI (Key Performance Indicators) in key Southern cities such as Bengalaru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Cochin etc.”
"WagonR sales are outstanding across India. Going forward, we feel, the brand shall have an exceptional foothold in the Southern market as well. Given the popularity of Mr Madhvan in the South, the masses will relate to the brand more strongly with a local icon becoming the Face of the Brand”, he added.
The brand campaign featuring Madhavan will be rolled out in about a week or two.
R. Madhavan becomes brand ambassador for Maruti Suzuki WagonR
Maruti Suzuki has appointed actor R. Madhavan as the brand face for its hatchback WagonR. The company claims that before the actor was signed on, after Maruti Suzuki’s consumer research on Madhavan revealed that he was a national celebrity with a skew towards the Southern parts of the country.Madhavan was considered a right fit after analyzing his future ventures/prospects and the brand objectives of WagonR.
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