Dentsu India has announced the appointment of Siddharth S as group creative director and Rigved Sarkar as associate creative director. Siddharth will be based in Bengaluru while Sarkar joins the Mumbai office.
Siddharth moves from Leo Burnett Orchard where he was senior creative director. He will report to Krishna Mani, ECD, Dentsu. Sarkar moves from 82.5 Communications where he was creative controller.
Malvika Mehra, CCO, Dentsu India, said, “We are nothing without our people. I’m happy that we have new talent like Siddharth and Rigved on board, who believe in the vision we have for the creative product at Dentsu India. Both are talented writers, with a pulse on the requirements of the new brand world we are experiencing today. I am really looking forward to us working together and creating some famous work for our clients across both geographies. ”
Siddharth said, “In the business of creativity, one can't afford to get comfortable. The world outside is an ever evolving one. The mechanics of advertising are changing every day. I was seeking an exciting new challenge that would help me recalibrate my skill sets to the demands of start- ups and established brands. As they say, what you seek is seeking you. My meeting with Malvika was just that.”
He added, "Malvika has a vision for Dentsu India. All we need to do is align with that vision. I feel Dentsu India has an exciting mix of talent and clients to become a force to reckon with. 2019 has been a year of unprecedented momentum at Dentsu India and there's a collective feeling here that this momentum will propel us into an even bigger league.”
Sarkar added, “When Malvika told me of the vision that she had for Dentsu India, I was hooked immediately. We are entering an era that requires a whole new level of creative thinking, with brands old and new constantly looking for innovative and inspiring ways to reach out and engage with people. Dentsu India is doing just that and I’m excited to be a part of it. There are some amazing people here doing amazing stuff and I cannot wait to create more magic with them.”