Hope Anna Hazare is doing his bit today to ensure Kiran Bedi has a long life.
— Rohan Joshi (@mojorojo) November 2, 2012
It's stunning to read how Coke is continuing to sabotage ThumsUp and failing at that! #desperateCoke
— Nimesh Shah (@sarcatrist) November 2, 2012
Hate News channels the most at these times.. "Miss Tanuja how was it working with him?" .. "I AM NOT MISS & I NEVER WORKED WITH HIM"!
— Sneha Rajani (@SnehaRajani) October 21, 2012
Some people just don't know how to say sorry. | U.K. Court Orders Apple to Make Its Samsung "Apology" More Apologetic pulse.me/s/eVZ18
— Samit Malkani (@JediByKnight) November 2, 2012
I thought I was done with the whole 'guy says he'll call me and doesn't' thing. Then I spoke to customer care at @tatasky and @dishtv_india
— Vedashree Khambete (@theotherveda) October 30, 2012
We are a truly secular democracy. Everyone seems corrupt - irrespective of state, caste, creed, religion or ideology.
— vanitakohlikhandekar (@vanitakohlik) October 25, 2012
ROFL! RT @sushmitsarkar The queue at Starbucks in Mumbai is so long tht an enterprising chap has been spotted selling chai to those waiting
— Namrata Balwani (@mysti) November 1, 2012
A long time Apple fan said to me today 'Apple are no longer the pirates'.
— bhatnaturally (@bhatnaturally) October 31, 2012
ARRRGGHH!! Advertisements on the first page of the newspaper is the first thing that pisses me off in the morning, among others.
— Sukh + Karni (@sukhkarni) November 2, 2012