Flipkart has launched the ninth edition of its ‘India Ka Fashion Capital’ (India’s Fashion Capital) campaign, to encourage lifestyle enthusiasts to quit the hassle of offline shopping and browse through the brand’s endless selection of fashion and beauty products.
Conceptualised by McCann Worldgroup, the two films feature actors Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor.
The films are set against a college campus and showcase Kapoor and Bhatt as college sweethearts.
In the first film, Bhatt is seen admiring someone’s outfit on her phone. Kapoor then tells her that they can go and buy it too, from a familiar store owner called Bunty. He shows off his bargaining skills to their friends and tells her that he will get the item at a very cheap price. She then shows him her Flipkart app, which has already listed the lowest price for her favourite pick. The popular child-dressed professor too is seen marvelling at the app.
The second shows Kapoor and his classmates waiting for Bhatt to arrive at a college function. When the professor asks for her, Kapoor grins and states that she would be late trying to find herself an outfit to wear. Bhatt’s friend then tells Kapoor that she’d already finalised her look. On hearing that, Kapoor jokes that she should also be able to find the outfit she desires since she refused to go with him to Ahuja uncle’s shop for the saree, Gupta uncle for the Jewellery and Khuranna uncle for her shoes. The professor then tells Kapoor that it’s a good thing she didn’t listen to him, as Bhatt walks in donning her favourite products bought on Flipkart.
Prasanth Naidu - director, marketing, Flipkart, said, “Flipkart has a strong understanding of customer needs, which has helped us provide them with best-in-class offerings over the years. Today’s shoppers prefer to live a fashionable lifestyle that is both accessible and value-driven. With this campaign, our aim is to establish Flipkart as a value lifestyle destination that caters to various needs and appeals to a diverse demographic across the country. We are sure that Ranbir and Alia will create a unique connection with our target audience and inspire them to look at Flipkart as a one-stop-shop for all their lifestyle needs.”
The campaign will be rolled out on television and digital, for a period of 14 weeks.
Along with Talented, the FMCG company tries to redefine OOH advertising with tree-shaped billboards, showcasing the brand’s adaptive approach to sustainability.
Active listening tech offers potential and peril, forcing advertisers to balance innovation with user trust in a privacy-first world, notes Famous Innovations’ CEO.