DBS Bank India has launched a campaign with an online film at its core. The film is being unveiled in four parts, one of which will be released each Friday. The first part went online on 5 September. Cartwheel’s digital agency 4Nought4 is handling the campaign.
‘Chilli Paneer’ is the story of a young man from Singapore and a young Indian woman. Set in Mumbai, it shows them meeting accidentally at a DBS ATM. Recognising him from his food blog, she confesses that she’s a fan of his and strikes up a conversation. They end up spending time together, visiting food joints of all kinds. While she harbours dreams of running her own restaurant one day, he needs to join the family business.
Sheran Mehra, head - group strategic marketing and communications, DBS Bank India, said, “At DBS Bank we constantly strive to innovate and take an ‘outside-in’ view. It all started with following the chatters. This led us to discover that food, travel, cricket, Bollywood to name a few are instant conversation starters. Food, emerged as the most popular choice, as it cuts across geographies and segments. We further included elements of Bollywood and integrated our products and services in the storyline.”
Manik Choudhary, co-founder, 4nought4, said, “Very rarely does one see a client who takes this approach. Interestingly the brief was to work beyond a traditional television launch campaign. The push-back was always to find brand relevance in consumer space. Chilli Paneer is not just about a product or a service. It’s a story of two people who discover their purpose in life and how the bank acts as an enabler.”
The film is supported by print, radio and on-ground activities.
Client: DBS
Agency: 4Nought4 (Cartwheel)
Director: Shivendra Singh Dungarpur