Mondelez India has rolled out its latest TVC for their chocolate brand, Cadbury Perk. The film features Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt as its ambassador, bringing to life Perk’s new ‘Jiyo Lightum Light’ campaign.
The film begins with a shot of Bhatt enjoying a Perk bar with her girlfriend. After taking a bite of the bar, the two girls decide to play a prank on a shop owner. Seeing the car owner leave his car for a minute, the girls walk up to the shop owner and ask him to watch the car for them.
As the car owner returns the protective shop owner yells, and tries to pull out the man from the car thinking that he is stealing the young protagonists’ car. At this point the two girls stop the shop owner and tell him that they had merely asked him to look at the car.
The film ends with the girls running away and a super reading, “Jiyo Lightum Light.”
Prashant Peres, director, Marketing - Chocolates, Mondelez India Foods Private Ltd, said, “Perk is a brand that believes in infusing fun into the mundane and our new TVC hopes to trigger the quirky side in everyone. In the past, we have had vivacious personalities like PreityZinta, GeneliaD’souza, who embody what Perk stands for – youth, fun and mischief. So Alia Bhatt was our natural choice for the brand as she brings the ‘JiyoLightum Light’ tagline to life so effortlessly. Perk enjoys a great connect with consumers who believe in taking life lightly and now with the very popular and bubbly Alia on board, we believe this connect will only get stronger.”
Client: Mondelez India
Creative agency: Ogilvy & Mather
Production house: Tubelight Films
Creative team: Sameer Sojwal and Amitabh Agnihotri
Account management: Walter Noronha, Pratik Koltharkar, Vedangi Dandwate
Production house: Tubelight Films
Director: Prashant Issar
Producer: Radhika Sawhney
Director of photography: KU Mohanan