Campaign India Team
3 hours ago

Tata Capital tells viewers to keep the faith while striving for their goals

The three-film campaign draws parallels between its brand ambassador, cricketer Shubman Gill’s journey, and that of consumers, narrating relatable scenarios from their respective everyday lives.

The latest campaign from Tata Capital Ltd, the flagship financial services company of the Tata Group, features brand ambassador Shubman Gill. It is inspired by the insight that even after putting in relentless efforts, individuals sometimes fall short of achieving goals that they set for themselves. These may be a new home, a new vehicle, expanding their business, funding their child’s education and many others.

The three-film ‘Mitaye faasle’ (Erases distances) campaign draws parallels between Gill’s journey, and that of consumers, narrating relatable scenarios from everyday lives of the consumers. It talks about how Tata Capital can help customers achieve their goals by being the financial enabler and bridging the gap between their efforts and their aspirations.

It illustrates how the financial services company plays a role in helping customers reach key life milestones—whether it is helping a young couple secure their dream home, enabling an entrepreneur to expand her business, or making someone’s first two-wheeler purchase possible. Each of the three ad films underscore the company’s role in supporting and empowering customers at every step of their financial journey, and ensuring that their aspirations become attainable realities.

Tata Capital’s integrated marketing campaign will run over a period of three to four weeks across TV, OOH, social media and other digital media platforms.

Speaking on the campaign, Abonty Banerjee, chief operating officer –digital and marketing, Tata Capital Ltd, said, “'Mitaye faasle' campaign talks about the immense efforts made by customers in achieving their goals, and the role of Tata Capital in empowering them financially. Just as Gill’s journey symbolises perseverance and success, our customers, too, put in persistent efforts to achieve their goals. Tata Capital’s role remains that of helping customers realise their aspirations. We are sure that these stories will resonate with all our current and potential customers.”

Campaign’s take: Tata Capital’s campaign ‘Mitaaye fasle’, featuring the young cricketing sensation Shubman Gill, is all about connecting with the everyday aspirations of consumers. Its premise—where hard work doesn’t always translate into success—hits home for many. After all, we’ve all been there, pouring our hearts into goals only to find them just out of reach. This relatable insight could resonate deeply with potential and existing customers, as it paints a realistic picture of striving and sometimes falling short in pursuit of dreams like home ownership, education, or starting a business.

Gill’s journey as a young cricketer who faced challenges before reaching his current heights mirrors the struggles of everyday folks trying to achieve their goals. By positioning Tata Capital as the financial partner that bridges the gap between effort and achievement, the campaign taps into the emotional narrative of support and empowerment.

With its three films showcasing relatable scenarios—from securing a dream home to purchasing that first two-wheeler—Tata Capital effectively positions itself as the enabler of dreams. This could not only boost brand affinity but also create a sense of trust among customers who see their aspirations reflected in the campaign.

As the ads roll out across various platforms, the real question remains: will Gill’s story and the promise of Tata Capital inspire consumers to take that leap? If the early reactions are anything to go by, it seems like they just might!

Campaign India

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