9X’s 'Kahaani hamaaray MAHAABHAARAT ki' has signed on co-sponsors for the epic series slated to air from the 7th of July. Airtel, Max New York Life and ITC Personal Care have tied up with the GEC, which will air the show from Mondays to Thursdays at 9 pm. Probal Gaanguly, group director, revenue management, advertising sales and new media, INX Media, said, "Kahaani hamaaray MAHAABHAARAT ki has been created with the highest production values and on a grandeur and scale never seen before. I am delighted to announce that some of the most prestigious brands such as Airtel, Max New York Life and ITC Personal Care are co-sponsors of this mega epic series."
The show is shot on the HD format across multiple locations such as Ladakh, Jaipur and Wai. Balaji Telefilms is the producer of the show.