What worked:
It is nice to note that the ad does not talk about Indian 'women's' cricket team but talks about Indian Cricket team in which women are equal partners. It gives women cricketers equal recognition and credit as representatives of a sporting team from India. We really need to write more 'her' stories in advertising as well as in all forms of communication.
Gender Sensitivity Score (GSS): 3.75
What could have worked:
How does Vaseline moisturising cream help people go around in the biting cold of Delhi without any woollens? Isn't it a misleading ad?
GSS: 2.75/5
What did not work:
A father investing in a son, goading him to success yet not expressing his feelings towards him and the successful son coming home and gifting a swanky car to the father. A dream of every middle-class family. Can it get more stereotypical?
Would it have hurt the sentimental value of the communication if it was made into a story of mother and son or daughter and father?
Small disruptions can lead to mega transformations.
GSS: 2.5/5
Other films from the week:
GSS: 3/5
GSS: 3/5
GSS: 3.25/5
GSS: 3/5
GSS: 3/5