South Australian Tourism Commission has unveiled a new campaign only on the digital platforms developed by Indigo Consulting. The campaign spread across an array of digital platforms with the aim of having South Australia feature as a must see destination for Indian tourists.
Speaking about the digital campaign, Vinod Advani, South Australian Tourism Ambassador in India said, “South Australia has actively worked with the travel trade in India for a number of years with great success. More travel agents than ever before are packaging Adelaide and South Australia. Consumer direct digital marketing is a new and important part of our marketing mix. With over 30million Indians on Facebook we need to be active where our target market is. It allows us to reach Indian consumers as they are researching and making decisions about their next holiday. It allows us to interact with our customers and have an ongoing relationship with them and in turn spread the word on South Australia,” he added.
The ‘India Loves South Australia’ campaign features a quiz contest that gives users a chance to win a trip to South Australia. The campaign is driven across various digital platforms and includes a micro site, banners, a mobile micro site, mobile text messages and a social media campaign to drive its message to the target audience. Another unique feature of the campaign involves the application of location based services like Foursquare and virtual kiosks that provide users with tips and directs them to the mobile site.