MPG Mumbai has bagged the account of Maxx Mobile Communications, a mobile phone accessories’ manufacturing and distribution company, following a multi-way pitch. The account size is estimated to be Rs 20-crore. Said Ajjay Agarwal, managing director, Maxx Mobile Communications Ltd., “The feedback from my team was very positive for MPG and I personally thought there was a good match with our core values of integrity and innovation. I am confident that together we will take brand Maxx Mobile to greater heights.”
The campaign that will attempts to build Maxx as a brand in the mind of consumers, is expected to break soon. Said Anita Nayyar, CEO India and South Asia, Havas Media (pictured), “It feels great to be winning the business. We truly matched the chemistry, passion and had the calibre to entice the client with our work. Our testimonials are in our work as we together join hands to build Maxx for the Brand Maxx Mobiles.”
MPG lands Maxx Mobiles' media brief
MPG Mumbai has bagged the account of Maxx Mobile Communications, a mobile phone accessories’ manufacturing and distribution company, following a multi-way pitch. The account size is estimated to be Rs 20-crore. Said Ajjay Agarwal, managing director, Maxx Mobile Communications Ltd., “The feedback from my team was very positive for MPG and I personally thought there was a good match with our core values of integrity and innovation. I am confident that together we will take brand Maxx Mobile to greater heights.”
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