Marketing services company Solutions I Digitas has promoted Swati R to the position of vice president, customer relationship management (CRM). In this new role, she will be responsible for conceptualization and setting up of programmes, managing of programme operations, data analytics, strategic inputs on course corrections and programme enhancements. Swati was earlier associate vice president, ROCK (Return On Customer Knowledge) at the same agency, which is a knowledge-based programme by which clients, like Volkswagen and Adidas, can know their customers and partners and, thus, improve their bottom lines.
“Swati has a proven track record and has demonstrated excellent organisational and creative skills during her tenure with Solutions,” said Kanika Mathur, president and co-founder, Solutions I Digitas. Speaking about the importance of her job profile, Swati said, "I have always been a strong believer of CRM and believe that it is a philosophy of doing business, rather than just a software."