DDB Health and Lifestyle, along with the National Film Development Corporation (NDFC), has launched a ‘Mitti’ anthem for The National Population Register, on behalf of the Office of the Registrar General, India.
The film captures several facets of India in all its vibrant hues, and is themed on the fact that our identity comes from being born on Indian soil. The brand idea as conceptualised by the agency is ‘My Identity. My Pride.’
On the creative thought, Soumitra Sen, president, DDB Health and Lifestyle, said, “The need was to identify a common sentiment, a sentiment that would inspire all equally to become a part of the National Population Register; a sentiment that would bind us all like leaves, branches and fruits of a tree. We found the answer in our root our Mitti.”
He added, “Our identity comes from our Mitti. The Mitti film is a call to individuals to embrace their identity stemming from the soil. It is a call to unite and participate with pride in the nation’s attempt to create a single register about all the residents of India, which is the National Population Register.”
Nina Lath Gupta, managing director and producer, NFDC, said, “We have been commissioned by the Ministry to spearhead this campaign, where DDB Mudra has handled the creative execution in close association with NFDC. Managing the campaign on behalf of NPR is a step forward in NFDC’s endeavor to function as a 360 degrees agency for government clients.”
Wok is now ongoing on the next phases of the campaign to motivate Indian residents to register.