Car buying and selling platform, Spinny, has launched a campaign featuring Sachin Tendulkar, to encourage viewers to dream big and go beyond the limit. The campaign consists of a film which showcases a Bayers Blue 800, Tendulkar’s very first car.
The film shows Tendulkar taking a drive in the very first car he bought himself, with an aim to reconnect with himself again. He drives around the streets he used to know and lands up fishing at a secluded place and enjoys vada pav, with a bunch of other people.
Niraj Singh, founder and CEO, Spinny, said, “We believe in life and in your choices, go far. You should be able to buy a car that you actually, really want to buy, that you know would make you happy. With Spinny, we’d go that extra mile, go far at every step to make it happen for each of our customers, including Sachin Tendulkar. His first car would make him happy in a way that is rooted and real and we made it happen. A car is a special purchase for a home and our endeavour is to make it extra special for each of our customers.”
The campaign will run across digital, TV, radio, OOH and OTT.