The results are based on an analysis of about 3 billion video ad impressions served across the Mediamind video ad network from 4,200 video campaigns during the first six months of the year.
When the results are split between video ad serving template (VAST) and video player-ad interface definition (VPAID) impressions, the study found that VAST content received an overall CTR (clickthrough rate) of 2.84 per cent, higher than VPAID content (1.63 per cent). However, VPAID drew solid interaction rates of 9.57 per cent.
“VPAID allows, and captures, in-video user interactions," according to the study. "As a result, they don’t always require a clickthrough.”
These results become more significant when paired with comScore data, which found that in June 2012, 1.2 billion internet users watched nearly 200 billion online videos worldwide.
In terms of mobile, Nielsen’s May 2012 report, ‘Global Online Consumers and Multi-Screen Media: Today and Tomorrow’, said that 57 per cent of internet users worldwide reported watching mobile video in the third quarter of 2011. Other devices with internet connections also had significant audiences, including non-phone handheld devices (36 per cent), game consoles (33 per cent) and tablets (28 per cent).
“As marketers continue to chase those growing number of viewers, online video ad spending will increase from US$2.93 billion in 2012 to $8.04 billion in 2016, and includes video ad spending delivered via computers as well as mobile devices,” concluded Mediamind’s report. “While video may take more investment for the initial creative, the benefits are irrefutable.”
The article first appeared on Campaign Aisa