Amazon India has launched a campaign titled ‘aaj kya khareeda?’ (what did you buy today), urging people to consider getting their everyday products delivered to them. Conceptualised by Ogilvy, the film aims to tell people that they can also get their everyday essentials delivered, without them having to step out of their homes.
The campaign comprise four films and highlight everyday situations, where the protagonist has something sent to their homes. When their family asks them the question ‘aaj kya khareeda?’ (what did you buy today), they mock their loved ones by saying that the package was for them. The receivers then open their deliveries to items that put them to work, or something that they can possess for themselves, without encroaching the protagonist’s products. The categories of products featured in each film are as simple as a comb, handkerchief, broom, deodorant etc.
Ravi Desai, director, mass and brand marketing, Amazon India, said, “Our new campaign ‘Aaj Kya Khareeda’ reinforces Amazon as an everyday shopping destination that caters to daily requirements and needs of our customers. We want to simplify our customers life and be the shopping partner that helps you buy products from a wide selection spread across numerous categories, get reliable delivery and customer care, thus leading to a delightful shopping experience.”
Neville Shah, senior executive creative director, Ogilvy, said, “There is so much excitement when we get something in a box at home. But is it just as exciting, if it’s regular everyday things? Maybe not as much. The stories rely on the charming anticlimax, to remind people that has simple everyday things. Exciting. Perhaps just as much.”
The campaign comprises four films and are being rolled out across TV and digital.