Campaign India Team
Sep 27, 2014

Spikes Asia 2014: Make Every Yard Count (JWT), Kan Khajura Teshan (Lowe, PHD) bag two Golds each; Ogilvy's 'The Good Road' wins Innovation Spike

22Feet Tribal, BBDO, BBH, Cheil, DDB Mudra, Geometry Global, Grey, Havas, McCann, Ozontel, Vizeum among metals

Spikes Asia 2014: Make Every Yard Count (JWT), Kan Khajura Teshan (Lowe, PHD) bag two Golds each; Ogilvy's 'The Good Road' wins Innovation Spike
Winners at the Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity 2014 were declared in Singapore on 26 September, the final day of this year's event.
Indian entrants won four Gold, nine Silver and 32 Bronze Spikes, besides accounting for one of two trophies awarded in the inaugural Innovation Spikes category.
JWT India bagged two Golds for Nike film ‘Make Every Yard Count’, one each in the Film and Film Craft categories.
PHD India and Lowe Lintas bagged a Gold each for Kan Khajura Tesan (HUL), in the media and mobile categories respectively.
In the Innovation Spikes category, Ogilvy & Mather India bagged a trophy for its entry 'The Good Road', for Castrol Activ/Bengaluru Traffic Police.
Bagging two Gold, two Silver and five Bronze Spike trophies, JWT emerged as the Indian entrant with most wins this year. And in its tally, except for one Bronze Spike won in the OOH category for work on Godrej Security Solutions, all the agency's metals were for the Nike 'Make Every Yard Count' entry.
The Indian winners are listed below, by category.
Branded Entertainment
Indian entries won two Bronze Spikes in this category.
JWT’s ‘Make Every Yard Counts’ for Nike bagged one, while Kan Khajura Tesan entered by Lowe Lintas, PHD and Ozontel, for Hindustan Unilever, bagged the other.
There were two Bronze wins in this category as well. DDB Mudra’s campaign 'Identity 1, Identity 2' for Volkswagen bagged one, while the other went to BBDO India for Visa’s ‘Dream2Advance’.
Ogilvy & Mather bagged a Silver Spike for The Akanksha Foundation’s ‘Message Barter’ in this category. There were no other Indian wins.
Indian agencies accounted for two Silver and five Bronze awards in Direct.
Ogilvy & Mather’s ‘Message Barter’ bagged a Silver in this category too. Visa’s ‘Dream2Advace’ by BBDO also bagged a Silver.
McCann Worldgroup India and Cheil Worldwide India bagged two Bronze awards each for ‘Share my dabba’ and ‘The Light Bag’ respectively.
Havas Worldwide India bagged a Bronze for ‘No Child Brides’, for Child Survival India.
Besides JWT’s ‘Make Every Yard Count’ for Nike which bagged a Gold, there was also a Bronze for India in this category. The metal went to Ogilvy & Mather for 'Google Reunion'.
Film Craft
JWT was amongst the awards in this category too.
Besides a Gold, ‘Make Every Yard Count’ for Nike by JWT bagged two Silver trophies.
BBH India bagged two Bronze Spikes, one each for Skoda India’s ‘Hydrant’ and ‘A Family Story’.
Ogilvy & Mather bagged one of the two Innovation Spikes awarded. The win came for ‘The Good Road’ campaign for Castrol Activ/Bangalore Traffic Police.
Indian entrants won six metals in this category.
PHD India bagged a Gold and a Silver for Kan Khajura Tesan (HUL).
22Feet Tribal Worldwide bagged a Bronze for ‘Push the Pin’, for Tata Global Beverages (Media agency: Maxus Bengaluru).
Cheil India bagged a Bronze for work on Halonix - the entry ‘The Safer City’.
McCann bagged a Bronze for 'Share My Dabba'. 
Vizeum’s entry for MTV also took home a Bronze trophy.
Kan Khajura Tesan entered by Lowe Lintas and Partners in this category bagged a Gold award.
Five of the shortlists converted to metal in this category.
Grey received two Bronze awards for work on Duracell - one for the entry Torch 'Squeeze’ emtry, and the other for the campaign (Choo-Choo, Remote Control, Camera) .
McCann bagged a Bronze for the campaign on Big Babol (Tangerine, Mango, Pear).
JWT’s campaign for Godrej Security Solutions (House, Antique Store, Music Store) also bagged a Bronze. 
Cheil India won in this category too – a Bronze for 'The Light Bag', for Salam Balak Trust.
Three Silvers were won by India in this category. 
Ogilvy & Mather won two of them – one each for The Akanksha Foundation (Message Barter) and Road Safety Awareness (The Seatbelt Crew, for Channel V).
BBDO bagged a Silver too, for its entry 'Illegal Sand Mining' for client Awaaz Foundation.
There were three Bronze wins for India in this category.
McCann bagged one for its Big Babol series, while Grey bagged one for the Duracell campaign. 
A Bronze went to DDB Mudra Group for work on Future Group, a campaign comprising entries 'TV Unit' and 'Dining Table' for Hometown Retail.
Print & Poster Craft
DDB Mudra bagged a Bronze in this category for its campaign for Volkswagen (Identity1, Identity2).
Promo & Activation
There were six Indian Bronze wins in this category.
JWT bagged three for the Nike ‘Make Every Yard Count’ film.
BBDO’s ‘Dream2win' bagged two Bronze awards. 
Geometry Global bagged one for Lifebuoy Hand Pump (HUL).
Ogilvy & Mather bagged a Bronze for Mumbai Police’s ‘The Train’ entry, India's lone metal in the category. 
Campaign India

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